The alliance of professionals for a sustainable living environment

Qui sommes-nous ?

Use of the HQE mark

The HQE-GBC Alliance is the owner of the HQE mark

HQE is a brand owned by the Association in France and abroad. It thus holds several registered HQE marks.

In accordance with its mission of public utility, the Alliance HQE-GBC provides free access to the use of its productions. Any actor can freely illustrate how their works (building, development, infrastructure), their products and equipment, services or actions contribute to an operation that is part of a sustainable building, development, infrastructure approach. However, he cannot appropriate the name HQE, which is not free of rights.

Only certified works benefit from a contractual right to use the HQE mark as well as, within the framework of specific systems, certain particular uses of “HQE” such as: formation agréée HQE, certification HQE

The Alliance HQE-GBC promotes and defends its brands to disseminate the values they carry but also to ensure that their unauthorized uses do not undermine the credibility of its action and do not harm the interests of its members and partners who benefit from statutory or contractual rights of use.

In summary, there is no:

  • HQE materials, product and equipment
  • HQE worksite
  • HQE operation apart from duly certified operations
  • HQE training outside duly approved training
  • HQE actor outside the HQE certification referents